Q. Is it ever necessary to increase the dose? A. Yes. Engines that are known to be particularly carbon-fouled should add No-Rosion at a dose of 1 ounce per gallon of fuel. By doubling the dose, a highly concentrated clean-up will occur. Engines that run a very rich fuel mixture, have had ignition problems preventing complete ignition of fuel, constantly foul the plugs, or have previously burned aged or broken-down fuel are all candidates for requiring a higher dose of the product. Q. How often should I add No-Rosion Fuel System Combustion Optimizer? A. Regularly-driven vehicles should add No-Rosion every 3,000 miles in order to maintain a clean system. A good rule of thumb is to add at every oil change. Particularly fouled engines will require No-Rosion to be added to 2-3 tanks in a row during the first treatment, in order to facilitate a fully-effective initial clean-up. After that, treatment frequency will revert to once every 3,000 miles in order to keep the system clean. Q. What if my vehicle is not regularly driven? A. Infrequently-driven vehicles, and those that are laid-up for more than 2-3 months at a time, should add the proper dose both before and after the idle period. Adding right before storage will allow the product to provide maximum fuel stabilization performance. And adding it right after storage will provide assurance that any fuel degradation byproducts that may have accumulated in the tank during storage will not form engine deposits during combustion. Q. Should I drain the fuel tank for particularly lengthy storage periods? A. No! An empty fuel tank allows air (and humidity) to stimulate oxidation of the metal fuel tank. This rapidly accelerates the formation of rust in the tank. When the tank is eventually filled with fuel after the storage period, small rust particles enter the fuel, and clog carburetors, injectors, pumps, and filters. Keeping a tank full of fuel prevents air and humidity from making contact with metal inside the fuel tank, which minimizes corrosion. And using No-Rosion provides further protection, as it passes the NACE TM-0172 fuel corrosion test, when it is used at the proper dose. Q. How does No-Rosion prevent corrosion inside fuel tanks? A. Ethanol in todays fuel blends is hygroscopic. This means that it readily and continuously absorbs water from humidity in air through a process known as emulsion. When ethanol becomes saturated, it separates from the gasoline, forming two separate solutions. This is called phase separation. An engine will not run on the (water-soaked) ethanol solution, which sinks to the bottom of the tank, and is highly corrosive. It causes fuel tanks and lines to corrode from the inside out. No-Rosion contains ingredients that stabilize fuel, particularly the ethanol in fuel. And through utilization of additional ingredients called dispersants, phase-separated ethanol in aged fuel is solubilized by No-Rosion, and burned through the combustion process, without associated octane loss or risk of deposit formation. Q. What other problems does ethanol cause? A. In addition to corrosion of fuel tanks due to phase separation, the lack of chemical stability of ethanol makes it highly susceptible to oxidation. In this process, oxygen in air causes ethanol in fuel to form insoluble, non-combustible gum byproducts. (You will know that fuel has oxidized from a tell-tale odor that sometimes smells like turpentine.) Because these byproducts are non-combustible, running oxidized fuel through an engine forms carbon deposits in combustion chambers and on intake valves. These materials can also clog carburetor jets and fuel injectors, and generally wreak havoc not only on the fuel delivery system, but the entire engine. Q. How rapidly does ethanol oxidize? A. Ethanol begins to oxidize as soon as it comes into contact with air. When you fill your tank, aeration of the fuel as it leaves the pump immediately introduces air to the fuel. In our testing, we have seen 20 gallon tanks of fuel oxidize in as little as 30 days. In most tanks, it takes about 60-90 days before the degradation byproducts of oxidation reach concentrations high enough to cause problems. Q. How do carbon deposits cause damage to an engine? A. Carbon deposits remain incandescent in the chamber between combustion cycles, and cause pre-ignition detonation. This produces significant additional cylinder heat, which can lead to engine overheating. It severely hinders engine power and performance, and has very negative effects on fuel economy. In some cases, it can cause pistons to shatter, cylinders to burst, or cylinder heads to overheat and crack. Q. What is detonation? A. It is the ignition of the fuel charge before the regular ignition spark. If the premature combustion is completed before the occurrence of the regular spark, there may be no identifying noise. So you will not even know it is happening. However, if the regular ignition spark follows shortly after the pre-ignition occurs, you will hear a tell-tale pinging noise when the two flame fronts collide. Q. If ethanol causes all these problems, why do fuel refiners use it? A. It is the cheapest and safest antiknock additive available today. Even though tetraethyl lead is the absolute best antiknock compound, it was banned years ago by the EPA due to toxicity. So in order to manufacture gasoline having sufficient antiknock qualities, or octane, refiners have had to resort to blending with oxygenates, most of which are either alcohols or ethers. Because of toxicity and cost issues associated with other oxygenates, the most popular one being used today is ethanol. And then there is the matter of government subsidies to corn growers, who provide the raw material used to produce ethanol. But that is a whole different topic. Q. How much ethanol is in todays fuel blends? A. In most states, ethanol is added, by law, to a minimum level of 5.9%. So even when you think you are buying gasoline that contains no ethanol, these days referred to as E0, there is usually some ethanol in the blend. Most fuel pumps display a sticker stating the fuel may contain up to 10% ethanol, an intentional disparity which allows the minimum level to be raised over time without requiring modification of the labeling. Q. Are vehicle manufacturers aware of the problems associated with ethanol? A. Yes. Most new vehicle warranties (except for flexible fuel vehicles) authorize fuels that contain no more than 10% ethanol. Our government is continuing to push for E15 gasoline. Court challenges between the EPA, auto manufacturers, and oil companies remain ongoing on this issue. Q. Do old cars have more problems with ethanol than new ones? A. Yes. Carbureted engines built before 1990 are calibrated at the factory to run on one kind of fuel. They can not make adjustments like modern electronic fuel injection. Engines that were built before the introduction of ethanol were calibrated to run on straight gasoline. Ethanol contains extra oxygen, which throws off the air/fuel ratio, making the engine run too lean. Lean engines run hotter, and have what vehicle manufacturers refer to as drivability problems, i.e. hard starts and rough running. Before 1990, many carburetors were also built with alloys that are more prone to corrosion from ethanol. When ethanol contacts older alloy carburetor housings, corrosion can cause tiny orifices to clog. This further contributes to drivability problems, and is a serious problem for owners of old cars. Usually an upgraded carburetor can not be retrofitted, at least not without sacrificing the originality of the car.
A. It is a 100% synthetic fuel additive that utilizes an aliphatic isoalkane solvent and contains an entirely new, proprietary polyether amine (PEA) detergent. Q. What is polyether amine (PEA)? A. Polyether amine, often abbreviated PEA, is a chemical term used to identify a number of different proprietary fuel detergent compounds. Chevron was the first to apply PEA chemistry to engine fuel additives. In the early 1990s, Chevron patented this technology after discovering that these compounds were highly effective deposit control additives. Eventually Chevron’s patent expired, and other manufacturers (including ourselves) undertook the process of reformulating and improving this technology. There are many SAE technical papers, peer reviewed by the industry, that tout the benefits of polyether amine deposit control additives versus any/all other types of fuel additive technologies. Q. By what mechanism does PEA remove and prevent deposits? A. PEA detergent is used with a carrier fluid. With our product, we use a high flash point, thermally stable solvent carrier. The mechanism by which deposits are removed is affected by forming a thin hydrocarbon film through the detergents polar head adhering on the metal surface. The deposit is cleaned by dissolving the soluble part of the deposit, which binds the deposit to the metal surface. Once dissolved, the solubilized deposit is combusted in the engine, and exits through the exhaust. The mechanism by which deposits are prevented involves laying down a surface-active film on a clean metal surface that inhibits the buildup of deposits (or gums) that may form from the fuel. Q. Why is PEA more effective than other fuel additive technologies? A. Other fuel additives contain detergents composed of ingredients such as dimethylbenzene, trimethylbenzene, ethylbenzene, polyisobutenamine, and various other aromatic hydrocarbons. Some also contain various alcohol ingredients. The mechanism of carbon/sludge deposit removal differs significantly for these types of chemistries. Our studies have indicated that the big benefit of PEA is that it fully solubilizes, and washes away, the deposits. In other words, the deposits are put into solution, washed away, and then fully burned during the combustion process. Q. Why is it so important to fully solubilize deposits? A. The problem we have seen with chemistries in other products is that they do not fully solubilize the deposits during the mechanism of cleaning/removal. So often the deposits can break off in small chunks. When these chunks exit through the exhaust valves, they can damage valve seats, and get lodged in catalytic converters. Pre-combusted deposits can also get lodged in various areas of the fuel system, causing fuel delivery problems. And because these other products do not fully solubilize the carbon/sludge, the entire deposit is not removed. This leaves behind parts of the deposits that can act as a bed on which additional deposits can form. It is also important to know that alcohol ingredients in other products can cause drying and cracking of plastic and rubber parts in fuel lines, gaskets, etc. No-Rosion contains no alcohol ingredients whatsoever. Q. How do I know which chemistry is in a fuel additive? A. Obtain a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). For safety and regulatory reasons, most manufacturers will indicate what type of chemistry is contained in their product within this document. Q. What is meant by clean-up and keep-clean? A. These are industry-standard terms used to describe the process of deposit removal (i.e. clean-up) and deposit prevention (keep-clean). Q. If one product contains more PEA than another, will it provide better clean-up? A. Not necessarily. The term polyether amine is just a type of substitutive nomenclature that is used to identify a number of possible different chemical compounds. These different PEA compounds are also formulated in different concentrations. So simply looking at the percent composition of PEA on a MSDS is not going to be fully indicative of a products ability to clean. Take this example. Lets say Product A contains 30% of a diluted form of a PEA compound. Product B contains 10% of a highly concentrated PEA compound. Which will clean better? You might assume Product A, because it contains a higher percent of PEA. But you could easily be wrong. Q. Is the PEA in No-Rosion the same as the PEA in other products? A. No. Our PEA is a unique, proprietary formula. There are many different chemical compounds included in the chemical description PEA, most of which are proprietary. This is why the Chemical Abstracts Registry (CAS) Number is always listed as proprietary on Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for PEA-containing products. If the manufacturer were to provide a CAS number for their specific PEA formula, they would be divulging the compound and be giving away proprietary information. Q. Do all fuel additives contain detergents? A. Believe it or not, no. Some are 100% solvent. While solvent itself can provide some nominal clean-up benefit, its not nearly as effective in providing total clean-up as detergent ingredients that are combined with solvent. And solvents alone do not provide any keep-clean performance. Q. What makes the PEA technology in No-Rosion better than PEA in other products? A. Through research, we discovered that better detergent qualities could be achieved with a PEA compound having a higher flashpoint, and lower viscosity. The higher flashpoint allows the detergent to reside in the combustion chamber slightly longer during the combustion cycle, which facilitates a more effective clean-up. And the lower viscosity allows it to penetrate/solubilize deposits more fully and effectively. These are a couple of the physical properties that differentiate the proprietary PEA technology found in our product. Q. Can I use No-Rosion in my daily driver as well? A. Yes, it will not harm catalytic converters or oxygen sensors, and will clean/remove deposits in port injected, direct injected, and carbureted engines. Q. Does No-Rosion Fuel System Combustion Optimizer increase octane? A. No, but a cleaner burning engine has a reduced octane requirement, which allows less expensive, lower octane gasoline to be used without the risk of detonation. If you wish to boost octane, consider trying our No-Rosion Fuel System Octane Booster product. Q. Will No-Rosion rejuvenate old fuel? A. No, but it will prevent it from breaking down any further, and allow it to be safely used without forming engine deposits. Q. Can synergistic benefits be gained by using No-Rosion Combustion Optimizer along with No-Rosion Octane Booster? A. Yes. Fuel with a higher octane rating more effectively combusts the solubilized byproducts created during clean-up with our PEA. Q. Have your fuel system products been fully tested? A. Yes. We are members of the ASTM D02 Committee. Our fuel additives have undergone, and passed, all necessary ASTM tests. Q. What is the ASTM? A. ASTM is the American Society for Testing and Materials. It is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Over 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence. ASTM standards act as the tools for consumer satisfaction and competitiveness for companies across a wide range of industries. Through 141 technical standard-writing committees, ASTM serves diverse industries ranging from metals to construction, petroleum to consumer products, and many more. One of these 141 technical committees is the D02 Committee on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants. ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants was formed in 1904. D02 meets twice a year, June and December. Approximately 900 members attend the five days of technical meetings. The committee, with a current membership of approximately 1500 industry professionals and experts, currently has jurisdiction over 580 standards, published in five volumes of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards; Volumes 05.01, 05.02, 05.03, 05.04 and 05.05. These standards have, and continue to play, a preeminent role in all aspects relating to the standardization of Petroleum Products and Lubricants. Applied Chemical Specialties is an active member of the D02 Committee, and contributes to fuel technology development through our various research efforts. To learn more about ASTM, visit www.astm.org. Q. Will No-Rosion cause any damage to plastic or rubber cooling system components? A. No. Because it contains no alcohol, it will not cause premature drying, cracking, or failure of rubber or plastic components. Q. What is the shelf-life of No-Rosion? A. 5 years. No-Rosion should be stored in temperatures between 35 degrees and 90 degrees F. Q. How does No-Rosion benefit the environment? A. A cleaner combustion chamber results in optimized ignition of fuel. This reduces hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, NOx, and particulate emissions. Q. Is No-Rosion EPA registered and approved? A. Yes. No-Rosion Fuel System Combustion Optimizer is EPA registered and approved per 40 CFR 79.23 under EPA registration number 271020004. If you have questions not found in this sheet, contact: info@NoRosion.com. |
DID YOU KNOW... No-Rosion was in the cooling systems and fuel systems of twelve award-winning classics at the 2024 Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance! Copyright 2025 Applied Chemical Specialties, Inc. |